I create solutions that help clients shift their limiting beliefs and discover their gifts so they can be their best self. I've always believed every person has talent, gifts and purpose. There is a great life for everyone to show up authentically and feel fulfilled.
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I help busy professionals like yourself transform your mindset leading to an authentic and purposeful life. As a guide, I empower and enable you through my offerings that each use my integrative methodology. My mission is to create space for you to determine your best life and how to get there.
My AM Method ™ is a mix of neuroscience + intuition + mindset + strategy to help you increase confidence, form better relationships, overcome limiting beliefs, develop your purpose, set clear goals, reduce stress + overwhelm and feel happier.
I’m a certified coach and facilitator bringing new ways of being, tools to make the shifts and guidance on your transformation journey. People are fed up with living in survival mode and held back by conditioning and limiting beliefs it’s time to shift and my programs can help.
Authentic Leadership introduces 11 archetypal gifts and how to shift from behavior patterns of outdated leadership styles. Authored by Angie McCourt founder and Transformation Facilitator, Curator + Coach of Authentic Me Revolution. Available in paperback.
It finally clicked!
Much of the work I have done has been with feelings, needs and with my subconscious. Rewiring programming that "I didn't matter" and "I am not enough" has been a journey. If I struggle with escaping to work when personal life got to be too much, I'm sure others do as well. If I didn't learn how to address emotions and share my needs, I'm sure others have as well. If I was dealing with these inner barriers of "I don't matter" and "I am not enough" others must as well.
Creating lasting change has given me confidence in dealing wiht life issues instead of avoiding them. This eve led me to becoming a life coach so I can help others overcome their limitations. Going deeper is where I found the impactful transformation and I want to share that with others. Rewiring old programming to overcome self-limiting beliefs, learn how to feel the feels and release negative emotions in others is my mission. I've found so many clients dealing with the same inner barriers and avoidance in personal life. I only wished I could scale the solution I found to work with so many. Then I started to think about how I love using apps and what if that is the solution. I use an app for everything and drove digital solutions in my previous career. A few of my coaching clients inspired me to come up with a solution for convenience and deeper, continuous work in between sessions. Personal transformation journeys are just that, personal. They can also be very deeply complicated based on old programming and experiences in life that have led you to this point. It's the part of the iceberg we can't see. 1:1 coaching is a great way to break through self-limiting beliefs, establish healthy habits and mindfulness. It can also get expensive. I wanted to bring an affordable journey that is effective, proven and you can do at your own pace!
I offer 1:1 coaching using my AM Method ™ via video calls, digital courses and resources to help you shift on your journey. I'm available for speaking engagements and to facilitate workshops virtually or in-person.
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Permission to work on the inside out diving into inspiring topics, hacks and guest speakers to revolutionize authenticity in the workplace and protect your personal power.
Shift your mindset from limiting beliefs through a daily reflection + affirmation practice. This eBook provides a starter, but add your own as you establish this as part of your mindfulness practice!
my signature offering
Interested in my coaching services short or long-term? It’s up to you! Check out my 12-week VIP private coaching package including weekly 50 min. coaching calls, unlimited weekly Text and Audio messages between sessions using Voxer and VIP bonuses.
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Make The Shift
Are you ready to shake off limiting beliefs, create a plan and make the shift?
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Steal this for your kids!
31 day affirmations and self-reflection questions to guide t(w)eens through discovering themselves and how they authentically want to be and live in the world.
Career Reboot Intensive
Fulfill your career goals without the detours and in a purpose-full way. Career Reboot Intensive is the key to taking back your power! Only $97